3 Benefits of this Audiobook

  • Grow Your Gaelic 2x More

    You'll be improving your Listening and Speaking skills now too

  • Speak Gaelic Better

    All the listening you will do will improve your pronunciation

  • Support the Author

    You will be supporting Jason directly, helping him write more stories for you

Common Questions

  • Can I download this or will I need to log in every time?

    This 'course' has download links to recordings of all the chapters. Once you sign up, you will get unlimited access to them.

  • I have the first edition book. Will this work with it?

    Yes. Some words were changed in the 2nd edition to make a stronger story but about 95% of the text is the same as in the 1st edition.

  • How can I use this audiobook most effectively?

    I recommend reading along as you listen; it's very powerful. Each chapter has its own separate file to make them easy to use. Re-reading (and re-listening) will only help your Gaelic become stronger.

What People Say

5 star rating

Brilliant idea - great for Gaelic learners!

Justin Taylor

Jason's idea of writing a book that uses what you've learned in his Gaelic language course is genius. This is how language comes alive - and sticks in your ...

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Jason's idea of writing a book that uses what you've learned in his Gaelic language course is genius. This is how language comes alive - and sticks in your memory.

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